Madona and Child Soweto

Madona and Child Soweto
Larry Scully

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Starbucks Theology

Looking back, my walk with Christ has been much like my experience with Starbucks. When I first started going to Starbucks I was intimidated by the menu. Everyone else there seemed to know what was going on and what to ask for, not me. Over time, however, I began to understand the system. My coffee turned into late which then turned to iced late, climaxing in an "iced quad skinny vanilla late." Which I and my barista began to call a "quad skinny Vinny" providing proof I had arrived at Starbucks Perfection. How many of you share an abbreviated name for an abbreviated name for their favorite coffee drink?

Soon I grew bored with the multi-layerd flavors of such a complicated drink. All the extras were getting in the way of tasting the coffee. I needed more umph! Plus, I needed to spend less on coffee. My road to the simple Starbucks life began with 4 shot espressos and has settled now in the simplest of all, coffee with cream (less than $2).

My road into relationship with Christ has been similar. When I first turned to Him I couldn't get enough. I tried every sort of spiritual practice and read as many books as I could get my hands on. I bounced from Christian Service, to body prayer , to radical Christianity and all around the theological merry go round. All in an effort to give Christ the particular flavor and sweetness I wanted Him to have. I totally ignored the fact that He already had a flavor of faith just for me and the only way to find it was to stop shopping and let Him lead me there.

My faith practices today are far more simple. Daily prayer and quiet time. Self examination. Listening for what the scriptures have to say to me on this day, in this place. This simplicity has deepened my relationship with Christ and my understanding of Christ in me.