Madona and Child Soweto

Madona and Child Soweto
Larry Scully

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Health Care is a Moral Issue

Sunday September 6Th the Gospel Reading form the Common Lectionary is Mark 7: 24-37.
This is a very difficult story for me to read, but very timely given the debate our government is carrying on regarding affordable health care for everyone in America.

In this story, Jesus, tired and seeking rest, travels to "the vicinity of Tyre" where he encounters a Greek woman who asks Him to heal her daughter. Jesus refuses. Jesus refuses to heal the girl because she is not Hebrew. She is not "covered" under the "Hebrew plan."

The woman refuses to be turned away, even after Jesus insults her by calling her a dog. She replies "Yes Lord, but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs." Jesus accepts her "plan" and heals her Greek daughter.

How can I as a Christian support a government that refuses health care to the neediest of its citizens? Drug companies, insurance companies, lawyers, doctors and peddlers are all making a profit off of pain and suffering.

When Jesus walked this earth He had a much different response to the suffering of others. Who would Jesus cover?