Madona and Child Soweto

Madona and Child Soweto
Larry Scully

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thomas Merton

Today in my morning readings I started Thomas Merton's book, "Contemplative Prayer." Right off the bat he blows me away!

In writing about a Monk's call to to explore the two dimensions of community and solitude, Merton describes the call most Christians have to "works of mercy, or of creativity in the world."

This made me realize so clearly that all work is God's work! Secular work or work in the world should be seen as "Creative Christianity" or "Creative Evangelism." Our daily work is a door that opens allowing Christians access and influence in the secular world. My faith must inform my work. My Faith is meant to inform my business decisions. Business decisions should never define or inform my Faith.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Now What?

So, just what am I going to do with this Blog? I haven't done much with it so far that is for sure. The question I have to answer is " Do I have the courage to do this? Do I have what it takes to be totally honest with myself in a public space? Hell no! But isn't that the point, to recognize my fear and push through it and grow? I think so.

Up to this point I've tried to be smart and provocative. Well it hasn't worked. It bored me so much, I couldn't keep it up. From this point forward I'm going to post my response to life. I'm actually going to Blog. Sorry if I hurt your feelings or piss you off. Chances are if I do, you have hurt my feelings or pissed me off some time in the recent past. I promise to be honest and flexible. Willing to learn and grow and change.