Madona and Child Soweto

Madona and Child Soweto
Larry Scully

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Euchirist

I consider myself to be an Intentional, Missional, Liturgical, Methodist, Catholic. Some might say that's an Episcopalian, but I'm a part of a Methodist Faith Community.Even so, much of what other Christian Communities practice has real meaning for me. The Eucharist is a great example.

As I said, I'm Methodist by trade and we use grape juice not wine when we celebrate Holy Communion. I call it "Blood Lite". We are afraid that if we celebrate the Eucharist with wine, we may tempt alcoholics or wannabe alcoholics to jump off the wagon. I'm an alcoholic. Never has taking the Eucharist with a community of believers who choose to use wine sent me on a 4 day vodka binge. Quite the contrary. I find great strength and comfort in knowing that God would not tempt me in that way. Admittedly, I do just let the wine touch my lips. As my second favorite President , Bill Clinton, would say, "I don't inhale." (My favorite President won't be sworn in until Jan 20, 2009!!!).

The point is, I believe the Eucharist is a sacrament or practice that we as Christians should take very seriously and delve into very deeply. The deeper you take yourself into such ancient practices the more meaning your whole Christian Walk will have. I experience Christ's presence two ways when I take the Eucharist.

First, I truly believe that something mystical happens to the bread and the wine. I'm not sure if it happens when it is blessed or when it is ingested by believers, I just know it is transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. We take Christ deeply into our lives and by doing so together, we distinguish ourselves as a community.

Secondly, I truly believe that Christ is present with us at the time of Holy Communion. Not just the Holy Spirit but also the Spirit of Christ Himself. I pray for Him to be there, walking amongst us, touching us inside and out. I feel Christ there, I know He is there and my knowing it is enough to make it real for me.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not knocking the way any faith community approaches the Eucharist. I'm not even saying my way is the right way. All I'm saying is that it is real for me and it enriches my walk in The Way of Christ.

The Peace of the Lord be with you Mollie.

My friend Kathy lost her dog last night. Mollie was 10 and they were really close. Kathy woke up yesterday and Mollie couldn't stand or walk. The vet said she had some sort of liver or blood disorder. She was extremely anemic and extremely weak. Kathy brought her home after the vet had given her massive doses of steroids and fluids. She died in Kathy's arms about 8 last night. To hear the pain in my friend's voice and know there was nothing I could say or do to make it better was hard. I kept reassuring her that Mollie was loved and that Kathy was blessed to have her. That didn't seem to help much at the time but maybe those thoughts will give my friend some comfort as she heals.

Love hurts. As much as Kathy's life was enriched by her love of Mollie and Mollie's love for her, it was devastated by Mollie's passing. Love hurts. As much as I want to help my friend and take away this pain I know there is nothing I can do for Kathy except be there and pray for peace.

Rest in peace Mollie. Live in peace Kathy.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My early morning walks with God rarely fail to produce a meaningful thought to ponder for the remainder of my day(sometimes for days and days). This morning was no different. For the past few years I've taken a self righteous stand against Christmas Trees (along with Walmart, Hummers, George Bush, iPhones, and so much more).

As I walked through my neighborhood at 4 this morning listening to Eric Clapton's "Walking on Faith" ( I do believe in iPods) I slowed to admire a beautiful outdoor Christmas Tree in my neighbor's yard. It was as tall as the house and made completely of green strings of light. I paused to take in it's beauty in the predawn winter haze until I remembered "Hey wait, I'm against Christmas Trees."

My contention is that Christmas Trees have no place in a "true" Christian celebration of the birth of Christ. First of all, they are a pagan symbol co-opted from the Druids or the Celts or some other Western European myth based religion. Secondly, in America, they have come, for me, to be a symbol of greed and the "Cult of Consumerism" this culture is infected with.

So I puffed out my self righteous chest and turned the corner, only to hear the soft quiet voice of God invade a classic Clapton guitar riff. "Hope" God whispered. "What about hope?" There it was again, God's little pin bursting my little bubble.

Hope? Hope! God was speaking to ancient people through nature. The evergreen trees gave them hope that their horrible, hunger plagued winter would end. Hope that the waterfowl and wild plants that fed them all summer would indeed return. Why couldn't the God of Abraham be the same God ancient Europeans worshiped? They might not understand God the same way or relate to him the same, but God was no less real, no less relevant to them. Hope.

"So," I quipped, "what about the greedy "consumer cultist" roaming the malls and worshiping a tree surrounded by self indulgent presents while they ignore those in their communities who are suffering ? "

"You mean the world I've called my children to heal?" God shot back at me. "Tell them about the Hope. Tell them about the Christ child. Tell them that I love them. Tell them they cannot buy my love. Tell them they cannot buy each other's love. Stop pointing your finger and shaking your fist in my name and tell them what I want them to know, what you know. Tell them that I have many blessings stored up for them far more valuable than any present they have ever received. Tell them to put themselves in a place to receive my blessings. Show them where that place is. And, by the way, it's NOT where you are standing now with your self righteous chest all puffed out."

Friday, July 25, 2008


Welcome All !

The purpose of this Blog is to challenge all people, especially those that call themselves Christians, to truly walk with Jesus Christ. It is not enough that we, as Christians, worship Christ. That is just one small part!

Our lives and the way we live them must shout out Christ's message of Love, Peace, and Compassion for all people.

I don't claim to have all the answers, but I am willing to ask the hard questions! To challenge myself, and you, to move toward Christ. To create God's Kingdom here on earth. Why would Christ have taught us to pray for His kingdom on earth if He Himself did not believe it can be done?

Hate speech and name calling will not be tolerated on this BLOG. We can lovingly and respectfully disagree. That is how we will learn from each other, and grow as a community.